Flying by instrument flight rules (IFR) is not an easy task for student pilots. With FlyGo IFR Trainer students and pilots will develop and improve their instrument understanding and accuracy.
This new generation training system brings you all the IFR essentials in one app: HSI, ADF, RMI, VOR-ILS avionics trainer, IFR simulator, holding pattern secrets and more.
We are glad to announce, that we created a platform which contains all the IFR instruments you need, so you don’t not have to download multiple apps separately. IFR Trainer – All in 1 is a selection of essential tools designed especially for IFR pilots and students.
It provides users an interactive learning system. The IFR simulator helps students to learn IFR flying while instructors can use it for educational purposes by putting theoretical knowledge into practice.
The app is purposefully designed to include the most important IFR procedures and make it available for students in one package, so they can expand their knowledge. Thus, we grouped those features into 5 categories:
– Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) + Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI) Instructor
– VHF Omni Directional Range (VOR) + Instrument Landing System (ILS) Instructor
– Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) Instructor
– Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) Simulator
– Holding Pattern Instructor