PPL Exam & Study is one of the most useful apps for studying for a pilot licence examination. This app is dedicated to prepare students for the exams, whether it is FAA or EASA, both tests are included. What’s new in our app? We’ve summarized the features that you will find useful.
Study books are included in the app
When we interviewed students in the recent years about what we can do to make our app more useful, they’ve shared their thoughts and suggestions that resulted in many improvements in PPL Exam & Study. However, we also realized that students have difficulties while using other study apps and textbooks. The main reason being so, the structure may differ and/or no relevant topics can be found. Therefore we decided to include all necessary materials for PPL examination in the library that is included within our app. Finally, we uploaded 20 e-books for the FAA and 10 e-books for the EASA tests. All these books are available for iPhone and iPad.
We also found that when students answer questions wrong they prefer to know why their answer was incorrect. Our developers have been working on linking questions to the relevant parts of the e-books, so you can find the explanations and related graphs more easily in your app library.
Mix any topics based on your preferences
When students are studying, they usually learn topics step-by-step. Therefore, we prepared all of our study books to be seperated by relevant topics. But, this step-by-step learning method also requires a step-by-step exam function that allows students to test their learning progress in any given topics. As a result, PPL Exam & Study lets users decide which topics they want to include in their tests, set the examination time and their preferred number of quesions to answer.
Practice, study and pass the exam
The concept of our app is based on three main functions: PRACTICE, STUDY, EXAM. You can PRACTICE anytime, anywhere and receive feedback immediately. It is followed by the STUDY function where you can check the detailed explanation in the learning materials. While using these functions you practice without time limit and check your answers right away. EXAM function allows you to set the number of questions and a time limit to create an examination type of situation and receive a summary of your results when you finish.
My studies – monitoring the learning progress
Since the preparation for the PPL examination can last from a few weeks to several months, we developed a feature called My Studies to monitor your learning progress. The feature allows you to save exam records within the app and to monitor your performance throughout exams. Recent comments from students proved that this feedback forces them to concentrate more during studying and contributes to higher learning performance.
We hope you will enjoy studying with the new PPL Exam & Study (updated April 14th, 2018, version: 3.5). To read a more detailed description look for the App in the AppStore and try it out for free!
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