
Redesigned illustrations in our PPL Exam & Study app

It could be difficult to prepare for your private pilot exam. That’s why FlyGo developed the PPL Exam & Study app. As you study PPL theory, there are so much information to learn and it’s hard to review all teaching materials. We always try our best to help cadets to prepare for the Private Pilot License exams and provide additional materials to their learning progress. We often use images and graphs to explain the right and wrong answers since we believe that pictorial illustrations improve student’s learning experience. The design is always a determining factor while studying, so we started again from scratch and developed a beautiful, unified and more straightforward design.

Continuous development – powerful redesign

With the latest app update we completely redrew the images in the FAA and EASA topics. They now have unified design, higher resolution and better perspicuity. This way they make the topics easy to understand and memorize. We have chosen a light blue background color because it induces calm, productive feelings and keep students more relaxed during studying. The resolution of the pictures is 1161×2048 pixels so they look sharp on iPad and iPhone screens too. The old illustrations were informative, but the different designs could hinder learning and understanding the teaching materials. You can see a few before-after comparisons below.

As you can see we have simplified the images to make it easier to understand and learn them. You can get the new illustrations by updating the app. After refreshing your database, users can check the new images by tapping the „Help” or „study” button on the top of the screen while filling out the test.

Switch to automatic updates for the best learning experience

Continuous developing is the most important part of the FlyGo concept. We regularly improve our applications with minor changes and teaching materials. That’s why we suggest you turn on the automatic update function, so you’ll never miss the newest content! You can learn more about this setting on the Apple support site. We always send newsletter about the major updates and we indicate the app changes in the bottom section of our monthly newsletters.

How can the PPL Exam & Study app help you in your PPL learning?

Education is a cornerstone in order to be a professional pilot. We made the PPL Exam & Study app for cadets who want to pass the PPL theoretical examination. With a structured learning system and the easy manageable UI this is the ultimate app for PPL studies in your pocket!

With FlyGo’s PPL Exam & Study app you can:

  • test your knowledge in 9-9 FAA and EASA related topics with more than 2,500 questions
  • prepare for the examination by using the Practice & Study function with included explanations, books, links and illustrations
  • simulate a multiple-choice PPL exam with the „Exam” function
  • see your progress in the „My Studies” function
  • learn from included books for free
  • use the application anytime and anywhere offline without the need for internet connection

You can try the application for free and buy certain topics or unlock all with the All-1-one pack for an unbeatable price. See the pricing details on the AppStore.

Have a successful exam, cadet!

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